Monday, August 29, 2011

Ch 1 - Theories of Democracy

Which of the three contemporaries theories of democracy do you most agree with?


  1. Of the three contemporaries theories of democracy, I agree the most with the pluralist theory. As said on page 15 of the Edwards textbook, the pluralist theory is a theory that emphasizes "politics is mainly a competition among groups, each one pressing for its own preferred policies.". I agree with this theory because if there was not a constant competition between groups and people in the United States the elite and class theory would most likely be how our country ran. The elite and class theory is a very poor theory because it unfairly treats the people it effects by not giving them a fair chance. With the pluralist theory every citizen would be given a fair chance to compete and maybe get the rewards of the competition they endured. In the pluralist theory, the people and the government have a nice balance unlike in the elite and class theory and the hyperpluralism theory. A nice balance between the people and the government helps America's federal system and helps prevent the people or the government from becoming too powerful.

    1. While I agree with your stance on the pluralist theory, I feel that the elite and class theory is an apparent practice within today's governmental and political practices. Every society in the world is divided along class lines. Although there are always exceptions, for the most part, the wealthy will pull the strings of power and rule over lower class citizens. Money and "the one percent" of America no doubt have large power over our nation and its leaders.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I definitely agree with Eli in that I prefer the pluralist theory because it allows groups to compete with one other to get their policies or ideas implemented. Whereas with the elite and class theory, the elite make the decisions while the rest have very little if any say in policy. Even though technically we have upper, middle, and lower class everyone in a sense has equal say and the ability to push their policy preferences with the pluralist theory. Also the pluralist theory allows for bargaining and compromise and prevents a single group from having complete control over policy.

  2. The basic principle of democracy that I personally think is most important is the hyperpluralist theory. This theory states that the interests of the groups involved in policymaking conflict so much, that it impedes the development of policy. This renders the government unable to do it's job, because of the constant disagreements between groups. This ineffectiveness and hyper pluralist theory has been present many times in recent years and is becoming increasingly important. One example of the hyperpluralist theory being shown in recent years was the government shut down in October 2013. The shutdown was caused by disagreeing groups on the policy of important subjects such as the Affordable Care Act, in the federal budget. Groups were so conflicted over the budget and which groups deserve more money, that the government shut down and was ineffective. ( This theory is important to note because it is the most recent and modern theory that has been dictating American politics. We need to be aware of hyperpluralism and remember that despite many efforts, not all legislation will be effectively carried.
