Saturday, April 14, 2012

Ch 5 - Affirmative Action

What is 'affirmative action'?
What are three major court ruling concerning affirmative action?
Do you agree or disagree with those rulings?

Ch 5 - The Wage Gap

What is the 'wage gap' ? (Define and explain)
Why do think there is a wage gap?
Will the wage gap continue to shrink in the future?

Ch 5 - Title IX

What is 'Title IX'?
Do you agree or disagree with the law?

Ch 5 - Reed v Reed

Why is the Reed v Reed an important case?
Do you agree with the ruling?

Ch 5 - Equal Rights Amendment

What was the 'equal rights amendment'?
Explain if it should have been ratified by the states?

Ch 5 - Japanese Internment

What was the supreme court ruling in Korematsu v United States?

Ch 5 - Voting

What amendments have expanded the right to vote?
What were some ways African-Americans were discriminated against with regards to voting?

Ch 5 - Civil Rights Act of 1964

What did the Civil Rights Act of 1964 accomplish?
Explain why such a law was or was necessary.

Ch 5 - School Segregation

What case allowed segregation in schools and society in general?
What case overturned the 'separate but equal' ruling in public schools?

Ch 5 - Standards of Classification

Identify and explain each of the three (3) standards of review by the courts.
Do you think we need these different standards? Explain why or why not.

Ch 5 - Fourteenth Amendment

The Fourteenth Amendment has two important parts, (1) the 'equal protection' clause and (2) the 'due process clause'. 
Define each of these.
Explain which one is most important and why.

Ch 5 - Equality

In the United States, 'equality' often means "equal opportunity'. Give specific examples of equal opportunity in the U.S. or specific examples where there is not equal opportunity.