Title IX is an Educational Amendment that attempts to combat discrimination between genders. It prohibits discrimination, based on sex, in any federally funded educational program or activity, this also includes athletics. I completely agree with Title IX because it helps create a more equal society among genders and it provided women with more opportunities in education and athletics. More funding was poured in women overall: scholarships, athletics, educational programs, etc.
I also agree with Title IX. This law made it possible for female high school students to participate in athletics. I think that the most important aspect of this law is that it encourages equality while allowing equal opportunities at an early age. This means that women are just one step closer to complete and total equality, and while it is still only a small step, we are getting closer every day.
I also completely agree with Title IX. Title IX helped both men and women by balancing the budget in sports and academics, therefore pushing towards equality. Before Title IX, boys were not allowed to take some of the classes offered to girls, like home economics, and vice versa. The number of athletic scholarships given to women increased by 46% as a result of Title IX.
I agree with Title IX because it helps bring the best out of the population and not just from men. Women can show they are better than men in a degree of study that they wish to pursue whereas before they would be overlooked because they are a woman.
I agree with the law because it allows women to play high schools sports and separate genders can compete at an equal level. I believe it also builds school spirit as well, community and schools can rally behind men and women sports and it expanded to women's Olympic events, women's professional sports, and college level sports.
Title IX is an Educational Amendment that attempts to combat discrimination between genders. It prohibits discrimination, based on sex, in any federally funded educational program or activity, this also includes athletics. I completely agree with Title IX because it helps create a more equal society among genders and it provided women with more opportunities in education and athletics. More funding was poured in women overall: scholarships, athletics, educational programs, etc.
ReplyDelete^^source: https://www.justice.gov/crt/overview-title-ix-education-amendments-1972-20-usc-1681-et-seq
DeleteI also agree with Title IX. This law made it possible for female high school students to participate in athletics. I think that the most important aspect of this law is that it encourages equality while allowing equal opportunities at an early age. This means that women are just one step closer to complete and total equality, and while it is still only a small step, we are getting closer every day.
DeleteI also completely agree with Title IX. Title IX helped both men and women by balancing the budget in sports and academics, therefore pushing towards equality. Before Title IX, boys were not allowed to take some of the classes offered to girls, like home economics, and vice versa. The number of athletic scholarships given to women increased by 46% as a result of Title IX.
DeleteI agree with Title IX because it helps bring the best out of the population and not just from men. Women can show they are better than men in a degree of study that they wish to pursue whereas before they would be overlooked because they are a woman.
DeleteI agree with the law because it allows women to play high schools sports and separate genders can compete at an equal level. I believe it also builds school spirit as well, community and schools can rally behind men and women sports and it expanded to women's Olympic events, women's professional sports, and college level sports.