Saturday, April 14, 2012

Ch 5 - Equality

In the United States, 'equality' often means "equal opportunity'. Give specific examples of equal opportunity in the U.S. or specific examples where there is not equal opportunity.


  1. In recent decades, the Unites States has advanced greatly in areas of equal opportunity. Many forms of equal opportunity have been formed in employment. For example, barriers such as biased testing and hiring practices have been dismantled. Outreach has been conducted to underrepresented women and minorities by targeting colleges. Many efforts are taken by the government and by employers to prevent prejudice in the workplace. A person may not be discriminated based on gender, race or disability unless it would actually prevent them from effectively performing the job. Employers are also forbidden from judging based on a potential employee medical history unless it would directly affect their ability to perform a job or create a potential hazard. Equal opportunity in education is also very important. If each person has the same opportunity to receive an education, this often promotes equal opportunities in the labor market.

  2. While I agree with Erin, the United States has made monumental differences in equality. The outreach programs and anti-discrimination programs are wonderful, and I'm very thankful for them. I do not agree that there is an equal opportunity in schooling. Through preschool to the last day of college, if your lucky enough to get to college and finish it, there is inequality in the levels of teaching availably and applicable resources.
