Monday, October 10, 2011

Ch 7 - Related Media Terms

What is a 'trial balloon'? A 'sound bite'? A 'media event'? A 'press conference' A 'talking head'? 'Narrowcasting'?  

Ch 7 - The FCC

What does the FCC stand for? What the FCC do? In the age of cable TV, satellite TV and the internet is the FCC needed?

Ch 7 - Kennedy-Nixon Debate

Why is the Kennedy- Nixon debate important when talking about the role of the media in campaigns?

Ch 7 - Media Bias

I steh medi biased? What examples can you list?

Ch 7 - Sound Bites

Is the role of political 'sound bites' correctly used in our society? 

Ch 7 - Control of the Media

Is the private ownership of most media outlets a good thing? Or a bad thing?

Ch 7 - The Role of The Internet

What has been the biggest impact of the internet on politics?

Ch 7 - Mass Media Roles

What roles do you think mass media should focus on?

Ch 7 - Types of Mass Media

What form of 'mass media' do you think is most influential?