Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Ch 19 - Global Warming

Is 'global warming' a serious threat to the United States? Explain your answer.

Ch 19 - Alternative Energy

About 85% of our energy needs come from non-renewable fossil fuels.
Should we look for alternatives at this time?
What type of alternative energy source(s), if any, should the federal government support?

Ch 19 - Energy Policy

What role should the federal government play in the the field of energy?

Ch 19 - Federal Legislation

Identify and explain the federal laws and agencies that have been created involving environmental regulation / protection.

Ch 19 - The Feds and the Environment

Explain why the federal government should or should not be involved with the regulation/protection of the environment.

Ch 19 - Health Care and Interest Groups

What organizations (interest groups) are most involved in the health care debate?
What position do they promote?

Ch 19 - Medicare and Medicaid

Should we eliminate Medicare?
Should we eliminate Medicaid?

Ch 19 - National Health Insurance

Should the United States develop a national health insurance program? Explain why or why not.

Ch 19 - Health Maintenance Organizations

What are HMOs?
Are HMOs an effective way to cover health care costs?
Do HMOs have too much power? Too little power?

Ch 19 - The Cost of Health Care

Is the high cost (in per capita dollars and/or percentage of GDP) a reason to or not to have more government involvement in health care?

Monday, February 20, 2012

Ch 18 - Social Security

What is Social Security?
Why is Social Security a concern for the future?
What are some ways to 'fix' Social Security?

Ch 18 - Simpson-Mazzoli Act

What did the Simpson-Mazzoli Act accomplish?
What changes in immigration laws are needed today?

Ch 18 - Immigration

What are some alleged 'myths' about immigration?
Are these myth, truly myths or accurate? Support your opinion.

Ch 18 - The 'New Welfare'

What was The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996?
What did it accomplish?

Ch 18 - Social Security Act of 1935

Was the Social Security Act of 1935 good for the country? Explain.

Ch 18 - Federal Programs

Name a major Social Welfare Program and what is tries to accomplish.
Tell what programs you think are effective and which ones are ineffective and why.

Ch 18 - Transfer Payments

What are ' transfer payments'?
Are they an effective method of providing aid to the less fortunate?

Ch 18 - Earned Income Tax Credit

What is the EITC?
What has it achieved?

Ch 18 - Types of Taxation

What are the three major types of taxes?
How does each type operate?
Which type of taxation do you think would be 'best'?

Ch 18 - The Poor in America

What groups tend to be poor?
What is the 'feminization of poverty'?
How has poor among the elderly changed?

Ch 18 - Income

What is 'income distribution'? What is 'income inequality'?
Is either a problem that the federal government should be involved with?

Ch 18 - Types of Programs

What is the difference between an 'entitlement program' and a 'means-test program'? Which type do you think is the most effective? Why?