Monday, February 20, 2012

Ch 18 - Immigration

What are some alleged 'myths' about immigration?
Are these myth, truly myths or accurate? Support your opinion.


  1. Some alleged myths about immigration is that most immigrants are here illegally, most illegal immigrants are Mexicans, most immigrants are here for the drug trade, and immigrants all take the good jobs.

  2. The myths of immigration are not accurate at all. According to page 580 of the Edwards book, common myths about immigration are:
    Immigrants are here illegally, most immigrants are Mexican, and most are consuming federal government benefits without paying taxes. These are not true, since most immigrants are in fact not here illegally, and most are not Mexican. It is also impossible for illegal immigrants to receive federal benefits, but they often pay taxes for them anyway. I find it interesting that there is such speculation against immigrants today, especially since we are all (except Native Americans) immigrants technically.

    1. I agree with Olivia's statement in that these myths about immigrants are false. In fact, the Edwards textbook says that in 2050, about 1 in 5 people will be an immigrant. This statistic says that immigrants are more common than the average person think, and that they are not just mexican. I believe that the illegal immigration problem is a problem in America today, but the illegal immigrants are not taking benefits away from the American people in any way. These immigrants are just looking for a better life, just like our ancestors were when they moved to America and were technically "immigrants".

    2. I agree with Olivia and Eli. Especially with what Olivia said about us all being immigrants. We all are descendents of immigrant, unless we are full blooded native american. These myths mainly not true. There is some truth to them due to the fact that some immigrants do come here illegally, but the vast majority of immigrants come here legally. THey pay their fair share of taxes and partake in their civic duties
