Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Ch 19 - Global Warming

Is 'global warming' a serious threat to the United States? Explain your answer.


  1. I do believe that global warming is a serious threat. I think that the threat of global warming is shown in climate change, people’s everyday lives, and pollution. I think that most people don’t believe that global warming is a serious threat because it doesn’t directly affect them right now. It is affecting animals and wildlife’s homes and means of getting food. Climate change is causing seasons to shift, temperatures and ocean levels to rise. All of these things can lead to droughts and fires, bigger storms that can cause more damage and heat related illnesses. I think global warming is a worldwide problem and I think that the United States could be at serious risk for the effects of it.

    1. I agree that global warming is a very serious threat to the United States as well as the rest of the world. The pollution causing global warming is creating irreversible damage that will continue to worsen unless drastic measures are taken. Animals are going extinct and will die out if we don't stop polluting our air. Smog will overcrowd our cities and ice will melt. Global warming is extremely serious because we only have one earth; if we ruin it, we're stuck with it.

    2. I agree with Avery and Taylor and say that global warming is a serious threat to the United States. Global warming could end up killing our world and all of us in it because of the effect of greenhouse gases and the damage it is doing to our environment. Global warming is also very costly and can damage the United States monetarily, even more so than it already is.

    3. Although I do agree with Taylor, Avery and Eli that Global Warming is a threat, I do not believe that global warming is a serious threat. We don't even know where the source of the issue is coming from; it could be earth getting warmer or it could be the sun getting hotter. Either way, it is not a problem that can be solved today and right away. Global warming is still technically a theory, and we should not take action until this becomes an affect in our daily lives. Scientists keep changing their minds and conclusions on global warming based on data. In my opinion, I would wait until global warming takes more effect on the earth.

  2. I agree with laura in that global warming is not a threat, Because it is only a theory in consideration but also that many scientists have said that Earth has cycles that it completes through its lifetime and that the upcoming period is just a warm spell and nothing to be worried about.
