Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Ch 20 - Instruments of Foreign Policy

What are the three major tools of foreign policy.
Which one of these are most important and why?


  1. The three major tools of foreign policy are diplomacy, containment and military force. Out of these three tools I think diplomacy is the best, so you can have friends from all nations. If you are friends with other nations people will not look to attack you and help you out in your struggling times. Having good connections with countries throughout the world would help America out.

    1. I agree with Dalton and think that the most important foreign policy tool is diplomacy. Diplomacy allows countries to negotiate with other countries which can form alliances that can be very beneficial. Having several alliances can provide America protection from potential threats and allow for more positive interactions between other countries such as trade. Also, diplomacy allows for a larger voice throughout the world that can influence other countries.

  2. Although both Allison and Dalton show really good points that show that Diplomacy is the important tool of foreign aid, I have to disagree. I think that having a strong military force will help with foreign aid. If you get in a situation where violence is necessary to achieve what needs done then having a strong military will definitely help. Also, having a strong military reflects good on the country. It shows that they are strong and people are more willing to work with you when they know you are strong. That is why I think Military force is important to foreign aid.

  3. I also think that diplomacy is most important. But, without the use of containment and military force as well as diplomacy, the U.S. would not be as powerful or influential on a global stage.
