Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Ch 4 - Religious Rulings

Select one Supreme Court ruling concerning Freedom of Religion, explain the ruling, and tell if you agree or disagree and why.


  1. One Supreme Court case ruling involving religion was Engle v. Vitale. This case involved a New York school that required students to participate in prayer after the Pledge of Allegiance. The Supreme Court ruled that school sponsored prayer in public schools does in fact violate first amendment rights to freedom of religion, and is not constitutional.
    I agree with this ruling, because I believe the government should remain secular and separate from the church. Public schools are funded by the government and are government institutions, and the free excise clause of the Constitution states that all people have the freedom to practice whatever religion they chose. By having a government institution, like a public school, require prayer, this is infringing upon this right. I do however believe this could be allowed in private schools, because they are not technically government institutions and not directly funded by the government.


  2. One Supreme Court case ruling involving religion was Mitchell v Helms. In this supreme court ruling, the courts ruled that the Government can not give money or any other form of aid to schools that would involve with such aid being used for religious purposes. Some examples would be to buy Bibles, School books that have religious themes, and such. As much as I would like to disagree with this ruling do to my religious beliefs, I think I am going to have to agree with this ruling. I agree because the First Amendment gives us the freedom of religion, but also puts the government in the place of not having a national religion. This being said, the Government should not have any religious affiliation and should not be supporting any one religion.

  3. I agree with Sydney that sponsored prayer in school is not constitutional. The free exercise clause says that people are allowed to practice whatever religion they want to and by requiring students to say the pledge and/or pray in school is going against that. Even if it was a private school I still think they they wouldn't be allowed to require students to pray because of the free exercise clause and the first amendment. Overall, I agree that sponsored prayer in school should not be allowed and violates the students's right of freedom of religion.

  4. I agree with Isaac that the government needs to have a hands-off approach when it comes to religion in all aspects, not just in schools. If a school wants to promote a religion, then it should provide the funding to do so, rather than ask the government for money to help pay for things pertaining to that religion being promoted.

  5. I agree with Emily in the fact that the constitution sets up the separation of church and state meaning no matter what the institution deals with if it is a federal or state ran program then no kind of religion is able to be present.
