Saturday, September 24, 2011

Ch 10 - The Electoral College

Should the Electoral College be modified or eliminated? Explain.


  1. aporter2@brookvilleschools.orgApril 8, 2016 at 9:31 PM

    I think that the Electoral College should be eliminated altogether because it takes away a little bit of the democracy aspect in our lives. Yes we get to vote which is an incredible right to have, but when our votes don't get to directly affect who the president will be, it can feel like our right has a "catch-22". I believe that we should eliminate the Electoral College so that when we vote for the President it can be a winner-take all system. Not only would this be simpler and quicker, it would make us much more of a democracy rather than a representative democracy. We should eliminate the Electoral College so that our vote actually affects the presidential process directly.

    1. I think the Electoral College should be modified because it a unique American institution that was created in the Constitution and has been apart of American history for a long time. The Founders of the Constitution wanted the president to be selected by the nation's elite, not directly by the people. I agree with this process, but do believe some aspects of it could be modified to be more representative of the people at large. The electoral college is very important to the presidential election because it introduces a bias into the campaign and each state gets two electors for its senators regardless of population.

    2. I disagree with you because the electoral college just adds confusion to the voting process. Our voter turnout is so low in our country and part of the reason is because of the presidential elections and the electoral college. I think that if we eliminated the electoral college, it will decrease the amount of confusion associated with voting and will encourage citizens to go out and vote, especially during presidential elections.

    3. I believe that the Electoral College should be modified. I agree with Maggie because I also agree with the process but do believe that it could do some changes. I believe the Electoral College system is meant to get rid of problems that would be caused if the president was directly elected by the people. I think that the Electoral College does cause confusion but I believe that with modifications that problem could be solved.

    4. I agree that it should be eliminated, it's irrelevant and as stated before, causes confusion. I also believe it is yet another reason to distrust the government in a way. Personally, the only thing that should matter is the popular vote because that's how we elect every other government office.

    5. I agree that the Electoral College should be eliminated because of all the reasons stated above, talking about how it causes confusion and is irrelevant and will cause a higher turnout. Added to these reasons, the Electoral College also makes it a possibility for the loser of the popular vote to WIN the electoral college vote. This means that the people wanted one person to win, but a select group of people chose another, showing that the college is not always a good representation of the people.

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