Saturday, September 17, 2011

Ch 6 - Opinion Poll Sampling

What are the different ways in which a public opinion poll takes a 'sample'? What method do you think is best?


  1. The different ways in which a public opinion poll takes a ‘sample’ is by random sampling and random-digit dialing. As mentioned on page 195 of the Edward’s book, random sampling is where everyone has the same chance of being selected to be a part of the poll. Everyone is put into the poll and the people selected to answer are picked randomly. In random-digit dialing (pg. 196 Edward’s book) calls are put with phone numbers and the people with the phone numbers are called and selected to participate in the poll. Out of the two methods, I think that random sampling is the best. Random sampling picks random people to answer, therefore; getting answers from a variety of people and getting a truer image of the public’s opinion. Some people don’t have phones which would eliminate them from the random-digit dialing poll and also the public’s opinion. That is why I think random sampling is the best method.

    1. Another type of public opinion poll you did not mention is the exit poll. An exit poll is when voting places are randomly selected around the country and workers are sent there to ask every tenth person how they voted.(Edwards 197)

    2. I think that random digit dialing is the best form of sampling because you are truly getting a random sample from the population and getting their opinion. If you are taking a public opinion poll, you could be in an area with a bias towards certain viewpoints. For example, if I am in a heavily conservative city, and gathering public opinion through random sampling, I am probably going to get a bias towards the conservative point of view. This is why I think that the random digit dialing is the best because you do not know what city or area you are going to be interviewing. Some drawbacks to random digit dialing could be that people do not answer their phones due to caller id therefore not allowing you to gather information.. Even with this potential drawback, I still think that random digit dialing is the best way to get public opinion without bias.

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