Sunday, September 11, 2011

Ch 3 - Devolution

Can youy think of examples of national government 'devolution' (The transferring of responsibility for policies from the federal government to the states.)? Is this a positive or negative trend?


  1. An example of devolution that has been applied in the national government would be The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunities Reconciliation Act of 1996. This act put strict requirement and regulations on how the federal government could give families aid through TNAF and also gave states the opportunity to create their own welfare programs to assist families and minorities. I think this is a positive trend, in that it allows states to make more decisions based off of a more localized opinion.

  2. The "devolution revolution" from the 1980s to 2001 was all started by president Reagan. He started the gradual process of giving power back to the states. One example of how he did this was by using block grants rather than categorically. This allowed the states more discretion in how they spent federal money.

    1. This is a positive trend, because it diversifies the use of federal money for the way that the local/state governments see fit.
