Sunday, September 11, 2011

Ch 3 - Disadvantages of Federalism

Some states have the death penalty (see Edwards page 91). Some states spend more money on education. (see Edwards page 92). Does federalism create too much inconsistency? What other weaknesses does federalism have?


  1. I believe that federalism does not create too many inconsistencies. In our country, the differences in policy represent the people of the geographic area that the reside in. Federalism has weaknesses in the grey area between the central and state governments. Federalism has concurrent powers, and that is a weakness. Also another weakness is animosity between the states and national governments, due to the national supercededing the states.

  2. I agree federalism does not create too much inconsistency in the United States. What each state wants to accomplish, or what each values more will differ than what other states want and even what the national government wants. Federalism allows more involvement in partisan politics and helps add more perspectives to each level of government.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I agree that federalism is the best system of government for our country, but it does offer many inconsistencies. Federalism prevents the creation of national policy. Rather than have one single policy on an issue, the United States has fifty. This often causes disagreement among states and over all confusion. The overlap of state and national governments also leads to a lack of accountability. Voter turnout in state and local elections is significantly lower because citizens tend to view these elections as not as important. Ironically, state and local governments have a lot of power that affect the daily lives of the American people.

  5. I agree that federalism is the best system of government. I also believe that it does not create too many inconsistencies. I believe that instead of inconsistencies, our government is just diverse. With multiple political parties (Republicans and Democrats being the leading parties) and different policies within these parties, we create a diverse government. Some policies give the government more control and other policies take control away. In the end, the people chose what policies take place and which others do not. That is not inconsistency, that is diversity.
