Monday, January 9, 2012

Ch 12 - Committees

Explain which committee do you think is more important the House Rules Committee (a standing committee) or a Conference Committee (a joint select committee)?


  1. I think that the conference committee is more important than the standing committee because it resolves issues between the Senate and the House on a particular bill. Without the conference committee, bills would create a severe dividing line between congress, making it even harder to get anything done.

  2. I disagree; I think that the House Rules Committee is more important. The House Rules Committee, rather than being responsible for a specific area of policy, it is in charge of determining what bills will come to the floor. Therefore the House of representatives is not wasting time on a bunch of bills that may not be of great importance. The conference committee could create gridlock if the Senate and the House cannot agree.

    1. I agree with Cassidy that the standing committee is more important. I think that standing committees are more important because they consider and shape the vast majority of proposed laws. They also conduct important investigations if needed and are also permanent committees.

  3. I believe that the House Rules Committee is more important. Along with what Cassidy said, the House Rules Committee is a standing committee that is constantly in session. Conference committees are only created when a bill needs to be resolved between the House and the Senate. With more time to meet comes more important issues and more time to conduct investigations.
