Sunday, January 8, 2012

Ch 12 - Incumbents

Why do incumbents win elections so often? Is this a good or bad thing for American democracy?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Incumbents win elections so often because they usually have many advantages over their opponents, these advantages are: incumbents have more time to advertise and get themselves well known in between elections, they engage in credit claiming, they take positions when voting to establish their public image and qualities, they are likely to face weak opponents, and challengers must raise very large sums of money to try to defeat an incumbent. I think that this is a bad thing for America because it is rare that there will be political change, it is hard for citizen's votes to send a message, and incumbents become set in their ways and don't have much consideration for change or opposing opinions.

    1. I agree and think that incumbents winning elections so often is a bad thing for American democracy. Having incumbents reelected again and again means that the government is rarely changing. There are few new people being voted in office so the government remains the same. If incumbents won less often, the government would change more which would allow for new ideas to help fix the problems present in America today. When incumbents are continuously reelected, they are able to have more say over government policies and things rarely change within the government.

    2. Having incumbents always reelected can be a bad thing but if these incumbents are constantly getting reelected they must be doing something right. If the government was bad enough they would not reelect these people. So this does not always mean incumbents being reelected is a bad thing for American democracy.

    3. While I agree incumbents winning elections so often is a bad for democracy, I also see the positive side of incumbents winning elections. As Dalton stated Incumbents must be doing something right to keep getting re-elected, but in addition I believe the high re-election rates could cause more Americans to pay more attention after seeing the same names on the ballot continuously.

  3. Yes I do agree that incumbents is bad for democracy. If the same politicians win over and over again because of advantages in PACs and experience, then doesn't that give everyone else an "unequal opportunity" for others to change and shape the government. Same people=same policy. This doesn't describe a democracy to me.
