Sunday, January 8, 2012

Ch 12 - Seniority System

Is the seniority system effective? Defend your position.


  1. I do not think that the seniority system is effective because it automatically picks a person rather than having a vote for the person who is best qualified. I think that if there is a person who has been in a committee for a long time and a person who hasn't been there as long, but has more experience, I think the person who has more experience should be the committee chair.

  2. I agree that the seniority system is not effective. I think committees should chose the most qualified individual to head the committee. This would be like the merit system used by the bureaucracy. I do not see someone who is of the greatest age to necessarily be the most effective person to head committees.

  3. I do not agree with the seniority system. I think that the seniority system makes it very hard for diversity into Congress. Yes, someone who has been in office longer may have more experience and wisdom but that is not always the case. The seniority system makes it difficult for someone who is dedicated and works very hard to be represented. It is hard for a member of congress to advance even if they are better and more qualified than the official who has been there the longest.
