Monday, January 9, 2012

Ch 15 - Privatization

Should the federal government 'privatize' some functions?
If yes, which ones and why.
If no, explain why not.


  1. I think the government should privatize functions of the government, and I think healthcare would be a great start. If we privatized healthcare, the companies would then compete to gain the most customers. In order to do so, they would try to and make the best healthcare plans and benefits for the cheapest costs. Then people get to choose their healthcare providers and what they want from them. It's an overall win win.

    1. While I do believe healthcare should be privatized, the one aspect of government that I most believe should be privatized is social security. This is because social security is the largest government expenditure today and should be handed off to private companies to take care of, so the national debt doesn't keep increasing so rapidly. Also, I don't believe it is fair that some people who make higher incomes put in more money into the social security system, and some people who were unemployed for many years or had a very low paying job get the same amount of money from social security. In essence, this is like saying that the middle and upper class is paying for the lower class's retirement. I believe it should be the citizen's responsibility to put money into savings or wisely invest money overtime so they can have adequate savings for after retirement.
