Sunday, January 8, 2012

Ch 8 - Party Competition

What is 'party competition'? What role does in play in American politics?


  1. According to page 248 of the Edwards book, party competition is the battle of the parties for control of public offices. Ups and downs of the two major parties are one of the most important elements in American politics. Party competition plays an important role in American politics in that it gives people a choice. If there were no choice, there would be no democracy. In addition, the fact that this two-party system has been around for two centuries shows just how important party competition really is. The two-party system was established in the early 1800s and is still intact today.

    1. Party competition plays a big role in American politics. When the competition is high between the parties the elections become more interesting. Since the 1990s party competition has been becoming higher. The party competition makes the candidates work harder to get peoples vote. If there was no one to run against they would not have to do anything.

    2. I agree that party competition plays a huge role in American politics. I also believe that this role can be positive or negative. Party competition leads to the alternating of power and influence between the two major parties. This competition can be negative when parties attack each other. Also, two parties can hardly represent that many views of the American people. This leads to smaller, third parties.

  2. To expand on the idea that parties compete with each other, they compete for members and votes by trying to appeal to as many people as they can. The more votes a party can get for a political office, the more power and influence that party will have over the policies regarding that area.

  3. I feel party competition effects politics negatively and hurts the basis of democracy. The government is a two party system and if one party controls the legislation and the executive all of their policy objectives are achieved and if you're on the other side of the parties beliefs you have to wait years for it to change, in most cases when a party has total control they control for a long time due to their creation of rules like gerrymandering and can easily pass bills, so I think party competition is much like hyperpluralism is with the economy, they compete so much that it almost hurts the government.
