Sunday, January 8, 2012

Ch 12 - House and Senate Differences

Identify four differences bewteen the House and Senate. What difference do you think is most important and why?


  1. Four differences between the House and the Senate are: the House has 435 members and the Senate has 100, the House serves 2 year terms and the Senate serves 6 years, the House's role in policy making is more influential on the budget and is more specialized while the Senate's role is more influential on foreign affairs and is less specialized, and the constitutional powers of the House is to initiate all revenue bills and pass all articles of impeachment while the Senate's powers are to give "advice and consent" to many presidential nominations, approve treaties, and try impeached officials. I think the difference that is most important is the constitutional powers of the House and the Senate, I think this is most important because it shows that both bodies of Congress each have very different, important powers that contribute to the success of democracy in our country.

    1. To add to Danielle's post, another difference between the House and the Senate is how they pass legislation. The House has many more committees than the Senate because the House has many more people. Also, the House is more structured and has to follow more rules than the Senate. The Senate can filibuster a bill, while the House's rules on passing legislation prevents a filibuster from taking place.

    2. To expand to Danielle's original post on constitutional powers, I agree with her that the powers are the most important difference, but I'd like to go into more depth. In the constitution, it states that the House has the power to pass articles of impeachment and the Senate has the power to try impeached officials. To me this shows the clear distinctions between members of Congress and the difficult processes people and situations go through to make sure the final verdict is correct and in fact constitutional.

    3. I agree with what everybody has said but I think serving a different length of terms is the biggest difference. The House members only get two serve for two years. They can not make as big of impact in there two years as a senate can in 6 years.The Senate has more time to do what they want. In the two years the House has to focus on getting reelected in that time. So there time to make changes is shortened even more.

  2. I think that number of members is the biggest difference because Congress represents states both equally and proportionally. The House represents states proportionally and the Senate represents equally. This gives each state a fair amount of representation for passing legislation.

    1. I also think that is the most important difference. The Senate has more specialized responsibilities, and with less member, this increases the power that senators hold. It also increases their responsibility.
